Build Muscle Fast – Proven Scientific Tactics

Working out the right way is just about the most important tactic to your muscle building endeavor. This ranks of equal importance to having the right nutrition. Have an organized diary to keep track of your progress in muscle enhancement. You need to know where your muscles last left off, and you work towards gradual increments of weights CONSCIOUSLY.  If you were into a slower, long term progress, you probably would not have to worry. But in your personal quest to build muscle fast, it is mandatory that you track your progress as you build muscle.

How many REPS do you need to do?

Build Muscle Fast and Gain Muscle Weightre

Although there are many opinions pertaining the best number of reps you will need to do to build muscle fast, there is a general consensus that low number of reps are recommended. The magic number appear to be no more than 7 or 8. 

Doing more than 8 reps will likely stimulate the low twitch muscle fiber. Now, you want to stimulate your fast twitch muscles. Think sprinters or short distance runners. Short reps do just that. High reps make you out to becoming a long distance runner. Therefore, lower reps will grow muscles faster, giving you the defined, muscular look you want.


One of the best routes as to how to build muscle fast is to implement weight resistance exercises. Use free weights. Get on to those barbells and dumbbells, and machines that use cables and pulleys to help lift the weight. Free weights are the key tactic rather than machine-assisted muscle builders.You should also incorporate body weight bearing exercises such as chin-ups, push-ups and dips in your muscle building routine.They work your body in balance terms, which in turn helps you to build muscle fast.

Shock your muscles with VARIETY in your workouts


The foremost requirement to build muscle fast is that you will need to use exercises that will continually serve to shock your muscles into new growth patterns. Performing similar sets of either your free weights or assisted (machine) weights will not give you the benefits the way performing different sets of weight regimen do

As our muscles adapt to any stress placed on them over time, doing barbell presses for your chest repeatedly, day after day will result in your chest muscle reaching a plateau and not responding with gains in muscle mass. You will need to continuously create a variety of reps and sets in your training routine. This is the correct approach to force your body to grow. 

Have enough REST in between workouts


You can’t just workout on hours and days without resting. It is common misconception that plague muscled wannabes. You need the proper amount of rest. Even the pros do it. No exceptions. This is not just about getting your usual seven to eight hours of sleep a night, it also includes increasing the amount of time in between workouts for the same body part. Contrary to popular belief, your muscles do not grow when you are lifting. They grow when you are resting. 


You build muscle fast by being focused and disciplined in your personal workout endeavor.  Period.

If you are at the beginning of your body workout routine, you need a combination of machine and free weight exercises to start off. Doing this ensures your body is given the time it needs to adjust to the different levels of stress that building muscle fast exerts on your body.

Supplements and Nutrition

Observe your nutritional requirements closely if you want to build muscle fast. Your nutritional needs will have to depend on your bodyweight. As a general guide, consume at least 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight per day, and at least 1.5 grams of carbs per pound of bodyweight per day. For example, if you weighed 180 pounds, you should consume at least 180 grams of protein per day and at least 270 grams of carbs per day. The few types of food you should add to your meal plans include steak, chicken breast, turkey, tuna, salmon, and egg white for your protein intake. For carbs, choose pasta, oatmeal, fruits, rice, and potatoes; these serve as your essential energy stores.

Pre-Workout Meal

Taking a light pre-workout meal is one of the most under-rated practices in a gym routine. Now, this is important for muscle growth. You do not want to hit the gym without first properly fueling your muscles. Therefore, before you begin your workout, consume about 20-40 grams of protein (whey protein shake, tuna, chicken, or turkey) and about 40-60 grams of complex carbohydrates (apples, oatmeal, banana, or brown rice).

Post-Workout Meal

A post-workout meal is a critical component in your workout plan where building muscles is concerned. Be sure to drink about 40 grams of whey protein and about 50-80 grams of simple carbohydrates (baked potatoes, honey, or white bread with jelly). You could also add some bcaa (amino acid mix), glutamine, and creatine to a power drink and consume it immediately after your workout.

Bodybuilding supplements

Thousands of body building supplements have been introduced and tested. Some are proven supplements to help you build muscle fast, while others are really just not worth the money. Experienced body builders and athletes have listed the top 5 effective bodybuilding supplements they use in their muscle programs and these are the results:

1. Protein powder

This is probably the single most popular supplement utilized by bodybuilders. Most bodybuilders rely heavily on protein powders so that they get the correct amount of protein they need to gain weight. Protein powder does not only help bodybuilders get the body they desire, but it also helps them build a stronger immune system and healthier skin. In addition, it also helps in developing muscle strength. Protein powders are comprised of soy, rice, egg, and whey. You can purchase the powder, add milk, soy milk or water, and instantly you have a protein shake.

2. Weight gain formulas

These muscle gain powders have always been an important component in bodybuilding supplementation. These are especially created for beginners who are too skinny and having difficulty consuming sufficient amount of food to gain weight. Use a weight gain formula to super-charge your bodybuilding program to the next level.

3. Meal replacement powders

These are a great substitute for small meals that muscle builders need throughout the day. Meal replacements are great in accelerating weight loss and increasing lean muscle mass quickly. They are packed with vitamins, friendly fats, minerals, exact amount of carbohydrate and protein.

4. Maltodextrin

Also known as glucose polymer powder or multidextrose, the synthetic polysaccharide can be used by people who are involved in extreme sports. It is a food additive produced mainly from corn starch. It can be quickly absorbed as glucose, thus making it easier to gain muscle weight.

5. Energy drinks for Before workouts

Energy drinks that contain one or more of stimulants like ephedra, guarana, or caffeine can be consumed before workouts. These can help bodybuilders feel the the extra energy boost in their daily workouts. Pre-work out drinks usually contain protein, vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals, creatine, and amino acids.